sjuksköterskor norrköping
gav 133 företag inom detta område
Lotti Eklöf Kreativitet och hälsa
Jag arbetar mot privatpersoner, par, grupper och handleder inom vård och omsorg..Erbjuder psykodynamisk psykoterapi, individuella samtal, parsamtal, ungdomsterapi, utbildningsterapi, kreativt gestaltande metod, musikterapi, Kristerapi, EMDR behandling, hypnosterapi, stresshantering, arbetsplatsrelateradeuppdrag: psykoterapi, handledning, konsultationer.
Imada AB
Imada offers an environment-neutral technology of surface treatments for metals, plastics and more, which to an extent penetrates in to the materials and chemically binds with the many free ions, creating a permanent, strong defense against oxidation, corrosion, erosion and friction. With applications for pipes, pumps, engines, etc., we offer something superior to what’s found on the market today. We always optimize our formulations to suit the exact needs of the specific substrate.