Om Wideco Sweden AB

Wideco provides innovative IoT solutions that increase safety and efficiency in industries, buildings, and cities. The company was founded in 1982 and is based in Borås. Wideco monitors and protects over 40,000 km of transmission and distribution networks and 6,000 chambers worldwide. Since 2023, Wideco is part of the leading European pipe system manufacturer Pipelife, a subsidiary of Wienerberger AG.


Our vision reminds us where we are on the route, and of our long-term ambitions and targets. Our vision helps us take an overall view.

”‘We should guarantee lower operational costs for firms in selected sectors, as well as for private individuals, by offering one of the world’s most effective total concepts for preventing, detecting, and fixing leakage in various types of piping.”

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  • Wideco Sweden AB Gummivaror, Borås - 1
  • Wideco Sweden AB Gummivaror, Borås - 2
  • Wideco Sweden AB Gummivaror, Borås - 3
  • Wideco Sweden AB Gummivaror, Borås - 4

Wideco Sweden AB, Företagsinformation

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Wideco Sweden AB ligger på Vevgatan 10 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

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