Om Vix Technology (Scandinavia) AB

Vix Technology is an industry leader in transport ticketing, implementing and managing automated fare collection, payments, access and passenger information systems. Our solutions help transport authorities ease passenger movement and embrace new innovations, to provide the most efficient transit system possible for their passengers.

30 Years of Innovation

For the past 30 years we have focused solely on transport ticketing solutions. From the very beginning, we have been passionate about changing the way passengers commute and have led the evolution of transport ticketing solutions. As the industry moves towards account-based systems, we have continued to innovate and enhance our offering to support these advanced solutions.

Vix was the first to:

- Develop a smart card system (Darwin, Australia in 1987)

- Introduce the automated fare collection system (Octopus Card, Hong Kong)

- Deliver integrated voice and electronic ticket machine for drivers (Oxford, UK)

- Offer an account-based, open loop payment system that accepts bank-issued credit and debit cards (Salt Lake City, Utah)

- Provide a large-scale deployment of real-time passenger information (RTPI) relying on mobile broadband and SMS technology (Yorkshire, UK)

- Launch electronic and interactive transport timetable signs (Cambridgeshire, UK)

- Our innovations have led to prestigious international recognition, including MasterCard’s Transport -

- Ticketing Technology of the Year for Salt Lake City’s advanced fare collection system and the -

- Intelligent Transport Society’s UK Forward Thinking Award for the Transport for London Countdown Project.

Vix is also the only company to have won the prestigious Sesame Award for Smart Card Technology in the Transport category three times - for Hong Kong, Singapore and Salt Lake City.

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  • Vix Technology (Scandinavia) AB Mjukvara, programvara - Data, Stockholm - 1
  • Vix Technology (Scandinavia) AB Mjukvara, programvara - Data, Stockholm - 2
  • Vix Technology (Scandinavia) AB Mjukvara, programvara - Data, Stockholm - 3
  • Vix Technology (Scandinavia) AB Mjukvara, programvara - Data, Stockholm - 4
  • Vix Technology (Scandinavia) AB Mjukvara, programvara - Data, Stockholm - 5

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