Om Vitamex Manufacturing AB

Vitamex Manufacturing offers worldwide contract manufacturing and private label services, including complete supply chain solutions.

Standard products

With many years of experience in developing formulations, we offer this as a sampling of our standard assortment. It is intended to give you a broad perspective of the depth and breadth of the products we offer. Our product development will consult you to determine the formula that best meets your criteria for quality, taste, colour and specifications in order to create a unique product just for you.

Our standard assortment include a range of products within the following categories. Feel free to contact our Sales department with any inquiries or to order our formulation guide.


Multivitamins and minerals, vitamins, energy, urinary tract, kids, antioxidants, digestive, men, joints, cold & immune system, minerals, essential fatty acids, beauty & weight control, women.

Customized products

Our goal is to design, create and deliver customized products that are developed in partnership with each customer. It is this expertise that separates us from our competitors.

Vitamex Manufacturing will make your conceptual ideas into a successful reality. We provide world-class customer service, high-quality products and expertise in global health trends.

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  • Vitamex Manufacturing AB Livsmedel - Tillverkare, grossist, Norrköping - 1
  • Vitamex Manufacturing AB Livsmedel - Tillverkare, grossist, Norrköping - 2
  • Vitamex Manufacturing AB Livsmedel - Tillverkare, grossist, Norrköping - 3

Vitamex Manufacturing AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

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Vitamex Manufacturing AB ligger på Odensgatan 14 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

192857373419-285 737 34192-857 37 341928-57 37 34192-8573734