Om Vald. Andersons Shipagency AB

Every day, all year round, we’re available to provide full service to the ships and crew in every major Swedish port. We understand the importance of a swift port call. With a single point of contact, we can guarantee you efficient service of the highest standard.

Services for ships

- Disposal of sludge/slop water

- Coordination/ordering of bunker/lubricants

- Delivery of spare parts

- Delivery of provision mail/documents/packages to and from ship

- Coordination of launch boat services in Gothenburg/T-route/SKAW

- Ordering of long distance pilotage, sea, lake and canal pilot

Services for crew

- "Letter of invitation" arrangements

- Transfer by car/transportation of crew

- Accomodation arrangements

- Visits to doctor and dentist

- Cash to master

Operational and cargo services

- Pre arrival notifications

- Arrangement of certificate renewals

- Repairs

- Sending bunker samples and cargo documents

- Coordination of inspections

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  • Vald. Andersons Shipagency AB Transporter, frakt, Göteborg - 1
  • Vald. Andersons Shipagency AB Transporter, frakt, Göteborg - 2

Vald. Andersons Shipagency AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Data levererad av Proff AS

Vald. Andersons Shipagency AB ligger på Hälleflundregatan 16 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

03185544003-185 54 40031-85 54 400318-554 40