Om Västkustens Flottservice AB

Safe at sea!Västkustens Flotteservice is a company that provides all forms of service within the area of safety at sea. If you are interested in buying life rafts, life vest, flares or any other safety equipment you are welcome to contact us. We have much experience in demonstrations of life rafts and peripheral equipment.Västkustens Flotteservice offers you professional service, from products to installation with authorized personnel.

The Safety Hook

The Safety Hook allows easy installation and removal of the the life raft, and in case of emergency, a quick and safe one grip release.

A correctly mounted raft means a better chance of a safe release in a critical situation. It also decreases the vibrations and exposure to wear and also the possible loss of a raft at a collision or at rough sea.

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  • Västkustens Flottservice AB Båtar, Sotenäs - 1
  • Västkustens Flottservice AB Båtar, Sotenäs - 2
  • Västkustens Flottservice AB Båtar, Sotenäs - 3

Västkustens Flottservice AB, Företagsinformation

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Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Data levererad av Proff AS

Västkustens Flottservice AB ligger på Kalvhällan 2 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

05237077705-237 07 77052-37 07 770523-707 77