Multi-award winning hairdressing brand with more than 50 years of experience in education, superior client service and haircare expertise. Welcome!
At Toni&Guy we know that as our client you are the most important aspect of our business and we are continually striving to ensure you feel that way. We also believe that continuous education for our hairdressers is the key to maintaining a highly motivated team that enjoy their work.
Set in the architecturally renowned 'Kopparhuset' at Hornsgatan 5 Stockholm, TONI&GUY Sweden offers specialist education to hairdressers wanting to share in the TONI&GUY philosophy of teaming fashion and heritage with education.
Our courses are designed to help develop core skills in cut, colour and styling, progressing to more creative skills working with the latest TONI&GUY cut and colour collection, session / editorial and men.
Class numbers are controlled to ensure an inspiring and intimate educational experience, under guidance from the TONI&GUY International Artistic Team.
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