Om Rudholm & H.K. AB

Handels och logistikpartner för textila tillbehör. Vi har ett komplett sortiment av alla typer av tillbehör för konfektionsindustrin och teknisk textil. Vårt uppdrag är att ständigt ge inspiration och innovation från design till distribution.

Since 1951

The Rudholm Group has been producing garment accessories for the fashion & workwear industry since 1951, evolving from a family business to a global company with offices all around the world.

We are a recognised leader in garment enhancement, bringing commitment and expertise to our extensive range of high quality products. We can serve you from design to distribution wherever your production is in the world.

This means we are the only partner you need for all your garment accessories.

Design to distribution

Exciting functional design

Our design team understands the importance of your brand and whether creating fresh new ideas or working with your own concept, we give you exciting design that is functional and adds value to any garment.

RH online

With RH online, you can order products, check stock and track orders 24-7. Just log in below if you have an account. If you do not yet have an account, please contact your local RH office for assistance.


The Rudholm Group is now able to directly support customers with their barcode & washcare variable data requirements, which is coordinated by our global network of offices using the goldengate platform. The benefits are significant, including supply chain efficiency, brand consistency and a more robust management of data and information.

We care

We care about producing greener products, this means thinking about the design, the manufacturing, the materials, the distribution and its recycling capabilities. With this in mind we are always striving to find new ways to reduce the impact on the environment. We care about our workforce and are fully committed to their well-being by ensuring they are treated with respect and their working conditions are safe and healthy.

Rudholm & H.K. ABs utvalda länkar

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  • Rudholm & H.K. AB Etiketter, etiketteringsutrustning, Borås - 1
  • Rudholm & H.K. AB Etiketter, etiketteringsutrustning, Borås - 2
  • Rudholm & H.K. AB Etiketter, etiketteringsutrustning, Borås - 3
  • Rudholm & H.K. AB Etiketter, etiketteringsutrustning, Borås - 4
  • Rudholm & H.K. AB Etiketter, etiketteringsutrustning, Borås - 5
  • Rudholm & H.K. AB Etiketter, etiketteringsutrustning, Borås - 6

Rudholm & H.K. AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namn

Rudholm & H.K Aktiebolag



Datum för upprättande








100000 - 499999


Ja, registrerad för F-skatt

Registrerad för moms



46410 Partihandel med textilier, 46420 Partihandel med kläder och skodon

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Data levererad av Proff AS