Om Reset Sweden AB
Reset | Private Medical Detox is your personal detox & addiction treatment team based in Sthlm, Sweden. Reset | Private Medical Detox är ditt personliga detox- och beroendebehandlingsteam baserat i Sthlm, Sverige.
Private Detox and Addiction Treatment Services
Reset | Private Medical Detox is an individualized private in-home or hotel detox service.
We also offer tailored addiction treatment services to accommodate the most discerning clients seeking exceptional care and service with complete discretion.
Our in-home detox & addiction treatment services extend far beyond detox, as we understand that successful rehabilitation requires individualized attention to address triggers, treat coexisting conditions, and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
Your recovery is integral to our group mission to help as many people as we can to not only recover but also to discover their greater potential and experience their lives with a renewed sense of balance of mind and body. Our team brings over 25 years of professional experience, and we have witnessed incredible positive transformations which stand as true and powerful examples of what is possible, seemingly, against all odds.
We operate under the general patient secrecy act for health care professionals in accordance with Swedish legislation (the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act SFS 2009:400, the Patient Data Act SFS 2008:305 and the Patient Data Act SFS 1998:204). Only staff members assigned and approved by you directly are given access to your personal information. Your relationship with Reset Sweden AB is strictly confidential and not accessible through public records. In addition, financials are processed in order to ensure your privacy and discretion.
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