Om Morgårdshammar AB

Morgårdshammar as a part of Danieli group Danieli Service providing engineering and consulting services for steel producers world wide. We have supplied equipment and rolling mill solutions all over the world for over 150 years.

Our business idea

The Morgårdshammar AB business idea is to offer the market technically/economically favourable production solutions

and services with reference to equipment for rolling of small,

long products for the steel industry.

Quality, and quality again! In every detail

As a fully integrated part of Danieli, we are aware that know-how reflects not only technological process and design, but manufacturing capability as well. The fact that we have overall control of our projects from in-house design and manufacturing to on-site start-up and commissioning creates an ideal virtual loop that consistently feeds Danieli's technological knowledge base, and results in guaranteed quality and reliability. Danieli doesn't want to compromise the quality and reliability levels of the equipment supplied. That's why the new workshops in China and Thailand are completely owned and managed by Danieli, and operate with Danieli manufacturing know-how, to guarantee the same excellent quality we have at the headquarters workshops in Italy, and allow us to claim Danieli workshops provide the "same quality worldwide". By manufacturing most of the equipment in our own workshops in Italy, Thailand and China we may not have the lowest costs, but we believe this is the best way to guarantee quality.

Rolling Mill Equipment

Danieli is the worldwide leader in supplying rolling mills for long products. High-speed wire rod rolling, in-line heat treatment facilities for bars, wire rod and coiled rounds and high-capacity, fully automatic cold finishing services are the advantages of Danieli activity, for producing both common steels and specialty steels and superalloys.

For full insight into the product portfolio please visit the Daniel home page at:

Training and Education

As a part of Danieli Service, Morgårdshammar AB can provide unique training academy. The participants attending the Guide Academy course will gain knowledge in the choice of Guide Equipment suitable to their special needs, the adjustment of these guides, groove profile, lubrication, bearing types and maintenance. They will improve their experience through discussions and practical exercises conducted by Danieli Morgårdshammar´s expert technicians.

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  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 1
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 2
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 3
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 4
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 5
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 6
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 7
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 8
  • Morgårdshammar AB Maskinmontage, maskinrenoveringar, monteringsarbeten, Smedjebacken - 9

Morgårdshammar AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namn

Morgårdshammar Aktiebolag



Datum för upprättande








20000 - 49999


Ja, registrerad för F-skatt

Registrerad för moms



71122 Teknisk konsultverksamhet inom industriteknik

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Data levererad av Proff AS

Morgårdshammar AB ligger på Nya ågatan 23 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

024066850002-406 685 00024-066 85 000240-66 85 00024-0668500