Om Jowat Scandinavia AB

Jowat SE with headquarters in Detmold is one of the leading suppliers of industrial adhesives. These are mainly used in woodworking and furniture manufacture, in the paper and packaging industry, for graphic arts, in the textile, automotive as well as in the electrical industry.

About Jowat

Bonding is the most efficient assembly method and therefore a global growth market. The Jowat Group as medium-sized, family-owned enterprise is one of the top adhesive manufacturers around the world. Tradition and experience from almost 100 years of corporate development allow us to act as leading company in technologies and innovations, in numerous markets and application areas.

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  • Jowat Scandinavia AB Kemisk-tekniska varor, Malmö - 1
  • Jowat Scandinavia AB Kemisk-tekniska varor, Malmö - 2
  • Jowat Scandinavia AB Kemisk-tekniska varor, Malmö - 3

Jowat Scandinavia AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Data levererad av Proff AS

Jowat Scandinavia AB ligger på Fosievägen 6 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

04046119004-046 11 90040-46 11 900404-611 90