Om Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB

Vi är en global marknadsledare inom design, teknik och produktion av: kompressorventiler, styrsystem och ventiler m.m.


As a trendsetter in technological niche markets, HOERBIGER is an enterprise in which new ideas need fertile ground. With their dedication and performance, our employees have allowed us to rise from a family business with European origin to an international technology group. Men and women, of varying ages, from very different origins and with equally multifaceted cultural backgrounds, work together at HOERBIGER every day. We value this diversity. It goes without saying for us. We make the company’s success the responsibility of the people of HOERBIGER. We are successful because we believe in our success. We want to work with people who enjoy performance and success as much as we do. We are proud of our results. Because of this, our enthusiasm for everyday work is almost effortless.


We are interested in creative, entrepreneurially thinking minds that develop new ideas and then implement them, clearly and with structure; people who are willing to pull their weight, who are “Hands on!” and who are a part of HOERBIGER in every situation. We keep our promises. Once we set goals, we are committed to achieving these goals - with all of our strength, determination, and abilities.

HOERBIGER at a glance

- Successful since 1895

- Foundation as the majority shareholder

- 1.067 billion euros in sales in 2016

- Over 6,800 employees worldwide

- 140 locations in over 50 countries

Innehållet i denna modul är ändrat av användare

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  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 1
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 2
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 3
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 4
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 5
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 6
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 7
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 8
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 9
  • Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB Maskiner, maskinverktyg, Ludvika - 10

Hoerbiger Service Nordic AB, Företagsinformation

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