Om Höganäs Borgestad AB

Höganäs Borgestad has a well-deserved global reputation as a developer, producer and supplier of smart refractory and high temperature solutions.

Brilliant Business

Brilliant Business concentrates on selling high-value refractories to industries other than cement and steel manufacturing. Höganäs Borgestad has extensive experience in this line of business and knows that refractory linings are unique and requires unique solutions for optimal functionality.

Höganäs Bjuf provides knowledge, a complete range of high quality refractory products as well as turnkey solutions to a wide range of customers in Scandinavia and worldwide. With excellent reputation the Company has established a strong presence in certain niche applications like copper, ferro chrome, pulp and paper and many more.


Cement is the largest operating segment within Höganäs Borgestad.

The objective is to contribute to a qualitative and cost-efficient production of cement among the customers. This is achieved by creating optimal use of refractory products through the whole production process – from the cyclone tower to the cooler. The elements of success for the Company are a complete range of refractory products, unique and innovative knowledge, a high grade of services and trusted strategic partners.

Until today the Company has more than 450 customers around the world within the cement industry and more than 45 Greenfield projects have been completed. The customers are from more than 70 countries and the most important markets are Europe, Middle East and Asia Pacific. Beside the direct contact with different kinds of cement producers, the Group is also well known to most major OEM in the cement business.


Höganäs Borgestad is a leading supplier of high-quality refractory solutions to the Nordic steel industry.

The Company is well aware of the many production methods used in the steel industry, each with its own unique requirements. Some methods are traditional, essentially unchanged for many years, but modern methods have also been developed to meet new demands. In both cases, refractory materials are a critical part of the production process and decisive to the final product quality.

Based on long experience of high-quality refractory products and extensive expertise, Höganäs Borgestad offers both customized turnkey solutions and more standardized deliveries. The Company can take full responsibility for everything from planning to supply of consumables – own refractory bricks as well as own monolithics and other purchased products from strategic key partners. This in combination with installation services makes it possible to deliver the complete solutions that saves time and costs for the steel industry.

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  • Höganäs Borgestad AB Eldfasta arbeten, Bjuv - 1
  • Höganäs Borgestad AB Eldfasta arbeten, Bjuv - 2
  • Höganäs Borgestad AB Eldfasta arbeten, Bjuv - 3
  • Höganäs Borgestad AB Eldfasta arbeten, Bjuv - 4

Höganäs Borgestad AB, Företagsinformation

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Höganäs Borgestad AB ligger på Södra storgatan 12 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

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