Om Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store

We have distinguished ourselves as a publisher of design rather than a conventional producer, working in the same way with designers that publishing houses work with authors. Rather than selecting a designer to make a specific product, all designers are invited to bring their personal ideas. Some of these ideas are selected for development and production. We look for products that add something new to their genre. Products with personality and character.

Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship stores utvalda länkar

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  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 1
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 2
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 3
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 4
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 5
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 6
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 7
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 8
  • Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store Heminredning, Stockholm - 9

Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namn

Design House Stockholm AB



Datum för upprättande








50000 - 99999


Ja, registrerad för F-skatt

Registrerad för moms



74101 Industri- och produktdesignverksamhet, 47593 Specialiserad butikshandel med glas, porslin och andra bosättningsvaror, 52100 Magasinering och varulagring

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Data levererad av Proff AS

Design House Stockholm AB - Head office & Flagship store ligger på Götgatan 14 och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

085090810008-509 081 00085-090 81 000850-90 81 00085-0908100085090810108-509 081 01085-090 81 010850-90 81 01085-0908101