Om Björneborg Steel AB
FROM SCRAP TO FINISHED PRODUCTBjörneborg Steel is a company with a forging history since 1656. We produce world class products with a minimum of carbon footprint using recycled raw material and fossil free energy. Our products are 100% recyclable over and over again without loosing it's properties. We meet the toughest specifications within any industry and provide forged components to finish machined projects with the finest tolerances. It’s the circular steel solution.
About us
Björneborg Steel is one of few players in its field with integrated production facilities that include steel melting/production, heat treatment and steel component machining. Björneborg Steel also has a long history of steel production and forging. More than 360 years of tradition, knowledge and development have earned Björneborg Steela a worldwide recognition for its high-quality steel solutions.
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