Om Biognos AB

Vi tillhandahåller tjänster inom molekylär modellering. Vi erbjuder dessa tjänster främst till läkemedels- och bioteknikföretag.

Biognos – your provider of virtual screening services

Biognos AB is a company specialized in computational drug discovery, both ligand-based and structure-based virtual screening. The searches are made against our libraries of commercially available compounds. Please inquire for further information. The company is located in Göteborg, Sweden.

Biognos provides services in molecular modelling, particularly virtual screening. We are offering these services primarily to pharmaceutical and biotech companies which do not have sufficient in-house modelling facilities. We provide cost-efficient solutions with confidentiality. We also provide the services to academic groups working in the field of chemical biology.

Biognos also works on some in-house projects in collaboration with academic research groups.

You are welcome to contact us.

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