Om Bassoe Technology AB

Bassoe Technology is a recognized designer of advanced mobile offshore units, such as semi-submersibles and drillships, offering concept and basic design, FEED and engineering services. Bassoe Technology has developed a design portfolio of more than 15 technically optimized and purpose designed units and vessels for tender drilling, well intervention, drilling, accommodation, floating production and offshore wind, wave and current energy.


As experts in design of mobile offshore units and floating production units, we offer services in every part of the offshore design project lifecycle – from concept designs, FEED and basic designs to yard support during detail design. With a solid background in naval architecture, we are successfully establishing as a competitive RoPax designer. We also offer a wide range of engineering services.

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  • Bassoe Technology AB Byggnadsteknik, samhällsplanering, Göteborg - 1
  • Bassoe Technology AB Byggnadsteknik, samhällsplanering, Göteborg - 2
  • Bassoe Technology AB Byggnadsteknik, samhällsplanering, Göteborg - 3
  • Bassoe Technology AB Byggnadsteknik, samhällsplanering, Göteborg - 4
  • Bassoe Technology AB Byggnadsteknik, samhällsplanering, Göteborg - 5
  • Bassoe Technology AB Byggnadsteknik, samhällsplanering, Göteborg - 6

Bassoe Technology AB, Företagsinformation

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