Om Attends Healthcare AB

Erbjuder ett omfattande utbud av disponibla, kroppsburna och specialiserade inkontinensprodukter för vårdgivare och konsumenter.

Our products are highly engineered and built on research. We begin with consumer needs and work together to come up with the best possible solutions. Innovation drives our ability to create high-quality and cost-effective products, whether it’s through consumer testing, developing new materials or designing new processes.

In addition to having innovation as part of our standard methodology, our EAM manufacturing facility specializes in designing unique absorbent cores. Our cores are more absorbent, yet are thinner and more comfortable to wear.

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  • Attends Healthcare AB Medicinteknisk utrustning, Aneby - 1
  • Attends Healthcare AB Medicinteknisk utrustning, Aneby - 2
  • Attends Healthcare AB Medicinteknisk utrustning, Aneby - 3

Attends Healthcare AB, Företagsinformation

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