Om Antech Consulting AB / Schampobar

Antech Consulting AB is a consultancy company specialized in the area of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS).

We provide various advisory services for enterprises, governments and international organisations.

We are an independent private company for strategic counselling, coaching and hands-on support primarily in the areas of ILS.

We have a unique combination of competencies and are experienced expert generalists in the ILS area, maintenance and education.

We are experts in the military aircraft industry.

We learn, think and work globally – to the benefit of our clients.

Contact us for a free, non binding, consultation to find out how we can help you!

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  • Antech Consulting AB / Schampobar Teknikkonsult, Göteborg - 1

Antech Consulting AB / Schampobar, Företagsinformation

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Antech Consulting AB / Schampobar ligger på Viktoriagatan 12A och kan nås på någon av följande nummer.

070939392307-093 939 23070-939 39 230709-39 39 23070-9393923